Dr. Bernard M. Kruger

Dr. Bernard M. Kruger

Internal Medicine

New York

Internal Medicine

Dr. Bernard M. Kruger has been practicing for more than 50 years, and has always had a patient-centered approach to staying at the cutting edge of service and medicine. Before starting his private practice as one of New York City’s earliest concierge doctors, Dr. Kruger trained and practiced as an oncologist, caring for young women with breast cancer. Always one to investigate new therapies and emerging technologies, Dr. Kruger developed a reputation for being the person to call when someone had a mysterious diagnosis.

At the same time, he cared enormously about his patients and wanted to continue providing them care—even when his work was done as their oncologist. “It occurred to me that if I set up my practice the right way, I could continue to be their doctor, and care for them the way I wanted,” he says.

A similar experience prompted him to conceive of Sollis Health, an on-demand, private urgent care service, in 2019. He recalls caring for a patient after hours due to an accident at home. The patient would ultimately need an MRI and a plastic surgeon for sutures. This sparked the idea that there ought to be a comfortable and safe alternative to late-night trips to the ER. Soon, Sollis was born.

Dr. Kruger earned his medical degree from the University of Colorado School of Medicine, completed residencies at Boston Medical Center and Georgetown University Hospital, and did a fellowship at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York. Early in his career, he also did two tours with the Peace Corps, in Sierra Leone and New Guinea.

Over 50 years, Dr. Kruger built his practice in New York by word of mouth, delighting his patients with his empathy, rigor, and creativity. He is excited to bring his experience and expertise to Atria, because, as he says, “At Atria, we can really get stuff done.”



Private Practice


Sollis Health

Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine

Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University

Assistant Attending Physician

NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital


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